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MPW newsletter 12-2018

MPW newsletter 12-2018

by Klaus Melf -
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Dear MPW students and friends:
Again was a health professional honoured for his medical peace work, when Denis Mugwege received the Nobel Peace Prize 2018. And, our MPW MOOC has been split into two smaller courses and will be offered again in January/February 2019.

Read more in this newsletter and spread the word.

Best wishes
Klaus Melf

1. Nobel Peace Prize 2018
The Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege received the Nobel Peace Prize 2018, together with Nadia Murad, for the efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict. Congratulations!

This is another example of a health worker using his professional competence, tools, and opportunities for preventing violence and building peace. Other medical peace professionals and organizations, having received the Nobel Peace Prize earlier, are: Albert Schweitzer, International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Doctors Without Borders, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, and International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

Watch the Nobel Peace Prize lecture by Denis Mukwege at

2. Fourth round of the MPW MOOC
During January and February 2019, the University of Bergen offers a new run of our massive open online course on the role of healthcare in maintaining and building peaceful societies. In a revision process this autumn, we have split our MOOC into two independent courses with three weeks of duration each:

      Starts 14 January  2019. The course includes three hours of training per week and uses the following cases:

      * Peace-health work in armed conflict
      * Health responses to a nuclear explosion
      * Health effects of climate change

      This course starts 4 February 2019, and uses the following three cases:

      * Preventing and addressing domestic violence
      * Healthcare for refugees
      * Recognising and healing the effects of torture

These MOOCs are moderated and taught with expert instructors. They use a case-based learning approach, and you will gain from the shared reflections and experiences of the other participants.

Please join in to this exciting peer learning process help us and spread the word! (The MPW MOOC 4 flyers are attached.)

3. EU General Data Protection Regulation
Due to the strengthening of data protection in the European Union (EU) we have updated our privacy policy at

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