Dear MPW students and friends:
Here is a reminder for two upcoming events: This Monday, the Medical Peace Work Massive Open Online Course (MPW MOOC) will start for a new six weeks run. And, the application for the Global Health Summer School in Berlin in August is still open. Don’t miss the chance!
Best wishes,
Dr. med. Klaus Melf
1. MPW MOOC, May 7th - June 17th, 2018
The third round of the interactive MPW MOOC on the role of healthcare in maintaining and building peaceful societies will start on Monday, May 7th, 2018.
This MOOC is offered by the University of Bergen. It is moderated and applies a case-based learning approach. You will gain not only from the presented content, but also from the shared reflections and experiences of the other participants.
Six case studies demonstrate how health professionals can:
- Engage in conflict-sensitive peace-health work in war and post-war settings
- Provide appropriate healthcare for refugees
- Recognise and help in healing victims of torture
- Recognise and respond to domestic violence in clinical practice
- Respond to a nuclear explosion
- Prepare for the health effects of climate change
The course will run for six weeks with a total workload of about twelve hours. It is available free of charge.
More information and registration:
2. Global Health Summer School in Berlin, August 5th-11th, 2018
The 8th Global Health Summer School by Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and IPPNW Germany will explore Health between Ethics and Economisation. It is open for 30 participants from different disciplines and countries. The application deadline will expire on May 11th.
This one-week full-time course includes a mix of presentations, discussions, and group work. The MPW Case Study The price of unhealthy working conditions: Sugarcane workers in Nicaragua is part of the programme.
A one-day Alumni meeting and network conference will be held on August 4th.
Read more: