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MPW newsletter 4-2019

MPW newsletter 4-2019

by Klaus Melf -
Number of replies: 0

Dear MPW students and friends:
Our online courses are reaching out to a ever-growing audience. Nearly 10.000 accounts have been created on this self-running platform and more than 5.000 people have enrolled to our moderated MOOC(s) at FutureLearn. Our partner IPPNW would like to follow-up the participants by a short survey. New Global Health Summer School and MOOC rounds are coming up.

Read more in this newsletter.

Best wishes and Happy Easter
Dr. med. Klaus Melf

1. Medical Peace Work Follow-up Survey

How useful have the MPW courses been to you? Are you interested in a follow-up workshop in your region? These are some of the questions of a brief survey, which International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the Nobel Peace-Prize winning global federation of national medical peace organizations, is conducting. Your feedback is kindly requested. It takes just a few minutes to fill out the survey at: 


2. Migration and the Health-Security Nexus, Global Health Summer School 2019, Berlin

The Institute for Social medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics (Charité - Berlin Medical University) together with IPPNW Germany will offer again a week-long Global Health course from July 20th – 27th 2019.

The objective of this year’s summer school is to understand and critically analyse the complex relationship between forced migration and global health. Participants will explore how the notion of health is instrumentalized to legitimize European border control as well as how national and international health organisations and programs foster the externalization of European borders. The concept of Global Health Security, understood as the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases, pandemic preparedness and the management and elimination of neglected diseases will be discussed and dissected.

The course will focus on problem- and case based learning through workshops held by national and international global health experts. Application is open until April 28th 2019. You can find more information at:


3. Further MPW MOOC provision in 2019

Our large MPW MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has been divided into 2 shorter MOOCs, which for the first time were offered early 2019: 

Both 3 week courses had about 700 people enrolled and had highly engaged participants.We plan therefore a new provision in summer (European) this year. Clicking on the links above, you can add these courses to your wish list.

If you are a course graduate and would like to contribute to further course provisions, please join the MOOC educator team. You can get in contact with me here on this platform:


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