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MPW newsletter 03-2018

MPW newsletter 03-2018

by Klaus Melf -
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Dear MPW students and friends:

PEGASUS – the biannual conference on Peace, Global Health and Sustainability will take place in Toronto in late April. The third round of our MPW Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) starts in early May. The Global Health Summer School in Berlin will be offered again in August. Read more about these medical peace work events in this newsletter.

Best wishes and Happy Easter,
Klaus Melf


1. PEGASUS 2018, April 27th-29th, Toronto

Join the Canadian Physicians for Research and Education in Peace (CPREP), and their partners for the upcoming PEGASUS conference at the University of Toronto.

The conference aim is to advance awareness and knowledge of Global Health issues, locally and abroad framed through a lens of peace and sustainability. The conference will do so by bringing together physicians, health professionals, students, health-related organizations and community members to share their innovative ideas and concepts on the dynamics of Global Health and the socio-ecological determinants that impact health worldwide.

For program and registration:


2. Third round of the MPW MOOC, May/June 2018

The University of Bergen offers a third run of the interactive MPW Massive Open Online Course on the role of healthcare in maintaining and building peaceful societies. More than 3.000 people were enrolled in the first two rounds.

This MOOC is moderated and applies a case-based learning approach. You will gain not only from the presented content, but also from the shared reflections and experiences of the other participants.

Six case studies demonstrate how health professionals can:

  • Engage in conflict-sensitive peace-health work in war and post-war settings
  • Provide appropriate healthcare for refugees
  • Recognise and help in healing victims of torture
  • Recognise and respond to domestic violence in clinical practice
  • Respond to a nuclear explosion
  • Prepare for the health effects of climate change

The course starts on May 7th, 2018 and will run for six weeks. It is available free of charge. The workload amounts to about two hours per week. Please join, and spread the word! (The MPW MOOC 3 flyer is attached.)

More information and registration:


3. Global Health Summer School in Berlin, August 5th-11th, 2018

The Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics of the Charité and IPPNW Germany are hosts of the 8th Global Health Summer School Health between Ethics and Economisation in Berlin.

This year's Summer School will take place from August 5th-11th. A one-day Alumni meeting and network conference will be held on August 4th.
Students will conduct the Medical Peace Work Case Study The price of unhealthy working conditions: Sugarcane workers in Nicaragua.


More information and application: