Dear MPW students and friends:
2015 has been an exciting year for MPW: the case study collection was launched in September, we offered a successful workshop on ‘Educating health workers for peace’ on Medact’s amazing Health Through Peace Conference in London, and we are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the second International Medical Peace Award, which will be given next year. More about it can be found in this newsletter.
Season’s greetings from the MPW team!
Angelika Wilmen
- International Medical Peace Award 2016: Call for nominations
- Launch of MPW case study collection
- MPW online course competition: Submit new test questions!
- Retrospect: Medact’s Health through Peace Conference with MPW workshop
- Announcement: PEGASUS Conference, Toronto, May 13-15, 2016
1. International Medical Peace Award 2016: Call for nominations
The German affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War/ Physicians for Social responsibility (IPPNW) and the Medical Peace Work Network (MPW) are pleased to announce a call for nominations for the International Medical Peace Award 2016. For the second time, the Medical Peace Award will be given to an individual or organisation in the health sector with outstanding peace contributions. The International Medical Peace Award is especially intended to support the work of health care workers in the prevention of violence and the promotion of peace, either in an international or a local context. The aim of the award is to strengthen health professionals within their positive and special contribution to peace building, violence prevention and conflict transformation. The award underpins the special role and responsibilities of healthcare professionals in peace work.
The Award of 3.000 Euros will be given at the International Conference „Medicine and Conscience“ in Nuremberg, Germany on 14th and 15th of October 2016. IPPNW Germany and the MPW Network are now accepting nominations for possible recipients of the Award 2016.
Please send the nomination to Anne Jurema – IPPNW Germany ( until March 31st 2016.
2. Launch of MPW case study collection
On the International Day of Peace, September 21st, the Medical Peace Work partnership launched a case study collection to educate nurses, doctors, students and others on the health aspects of war, violence and armed conflict. The new case studies form part of the Medical Peace Work framework and depict challenging situations for health professionals in the search of preventing and reducing violence – as well as promoting peace, sustainable development, and human rights. They aim to show the role of doctors, nurses and others in building trust, understanding, mutually enriching structures, and cultures of peace. The twelve case studies are intended to be used as the basis for group work and class discussion in both, formal and non-formal educational settings for health professionals and their students. Accompanying teaching notes are available for teachers and trainers. The resources are available free-of-charge.
To access the cases, go to
3. MPW online course competition: Create new test questions!
The MPW online courses will undergo revision in 2016. We now invite you to create new multiple choice questions for each of the seven MPW online courses. The student or student group with most relevant new test questions, will be awarded with € 1.000,-. Deadline: March 31, 2016. Please send your test questions with correct answers and reference to the respective MPW e-book lessons (see: to
4. Retrospect: Medact’s Health Through Peace Conference
This amazing conference in London in November 2015 gathered about 700 health professionals, who examined and discussed the negative impact on health and wellbeing of rising levels of war, armed conflict, violence and militarism across the world. The conference dealt not only with defining the problem, but also with searching for solutions. Our MPW partnership was offering a workshop on ‘Educating health workers for peace’. Highlights are now available as photos, videos, audio sessions, presentations, and conference statement (‘We believe that a more peaceful future is not only possible, but necessary for good health.’). See:
5. Announcement: PEGASUS Conference, Toronto, May 13-15, 2016
Pegasus is an acronym built from the first letters Peace, Global Health and Sustainability. It stands also for a thought stimulating conference, convening leaders, change-makers, and participants from multiple disciplines to engage in discourse about actions and policies to improve unacceptable levels of poor health. After a very inspiring first conference in 2014, the Canadian Physicians for Research & Education in Peace (C-PREP) and Physicians for Global Survival (PGS) invite to an exciting second Pegasus conference in 2016. Don’t miss it!
Early bird registration deadline: February 15th. See: