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MPW note 02-2021

MPW note 02-2021

by Klaus Melf -
Number of replies: 0
Dear users at the Medical Peace Work online course platform,
The e-cases, which are part of our seven self-running MPW online courses, are currently not working as the Flash format is not supportet anymore by the different webbrowsers. We are working on a conversion of the e-cases to a different format and on a general revision of the course content.
In meantime, it is still possible to go throught the textbooks and to do the test questions which lead to the course certificates upon passing.
Have you tried our two MPW MOOCs, which in collaboration with the University of Bergen are available on the FutureLearn platform? Join learners from all over the world!
Global Health, Conflict and Violence

Addressing Violence Through Patient Care


Wishing you peace and health,
Dr. med. Klaus Melf


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