Dear MPW students and friends:
At the 74th anniversary of the Hiroshima massacre, there is a new need for stopping the mad nuclear arms race. Are you ready to increase your medical peace capacity? Then join our two MOOCs in the end of August and midst of September, or fill out the IPPNW survey to former MPW course participants. Hugh international MPW events are coming in 2020. Read more in this newsletter.
Best wishes
Dr. med. Klaus Melf
1. Next round of MPW MOOCs in August/September
Our two moderated MPW MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course), offered by the University of Bergen, Norway, are now open for enrolment. Each course runs over a 3-weeks period, and requires approximately 3-hours attention per week:
- Global Health, Conflict and Violence (starting August 26th) will give you a perspective how you can
- Work in a conflict zone
- Respond to nuclear weapons
- Prepare for the health effects of climate change
- Addressing Violence in Patient Care (starting September 16th) will help you to
- Recognise and respond to domestic violence in clinical practice.
- Provide appropriate healthcare for refugees.
- Recognise and help in healing victims of torture.
Are you a MOOC graduate and would like to contribute as facilitator in future course rounds, please get in contact here on this platform:
2. Medical Peace Work Follow-up Survey: Your feedback is requested.
How useful have the MPW courses been to you? Are you interested in a follow-up workshop in your region? These are some of the questions of a brief survey, which International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the Nobel Peace-Prize winning global federation of national medical peace organizations, is conducting. It takes just a few minutes to fill out the survey at:
3. Important MPW events in 2020. Save the dates!
- PEGASUS Conference, Waterloo, Canada, April 24th-26th, 2020
The fourth conference will look at the topics migration, climate change, and sustainable development.
- IPPNW World Congress, Mombasa, Kenya, May 25th–29th, 2020
The main themes will be disarmament, development and health. Join our workshop in peace skills for health professionals. This is the first IPPNW World Congress in Africa!
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