Dear MPW students and friends:
In two month time, we will run for the first time our new MPW massive open online course - MOOC. It is different from our existing seven courses, as it will be moderated, case-based, and focussed on team work and peer learning. Please register now and join us to this new level of MPW education. Other upcoming events with MPW participation are the Public Health Congress “Poverty and Health” in Berlin, as well as the Medact Forum & IPPNW World Congress 2017 in York.
Best regards,
Dr. Klaus Melf, MPW Education Coordinator
- MPW MOOC in May/June 2017: Open for registration
- Public Health Congress “Poverty and Health”, 16.-17.03.2017, Berlin
- Medact Forum and IPPNW World Congress “Health through Peace 2017”
1. MPW MOOC in May/June 2017: Open for registration
Our new MOOC (massive open online course) on the role of healthcare in maintaining and building peaceful societies is open for registration. It will start on May 1st 2017 and last for six weeks. The workload is about two hours per week.
The course will help to understand how violence affects health in muliple ways and how health professionals can respond to it. Each of the teaching weeks includes a MPW case study, covering identification and response to domestic violence, healing victims of torture, reducing structural violence in refugee health, peace-health work in violent conflict areas, and reducing health effects of climate change and nuclear explosions.
Introducing key concepts, opportunities and dilemmas in the fields, the course will enable you to discuss definitions of peace, conflict, violence, and their relationship to health. You will understand the different types of medical peace work that health care professionals can participate in globally and locally .
More information and registration:
2. Public Health Congress “Poverty and Health”, 16.-17.03.2017, Berlin
The German Public Health Congress "Poverty and Health" [Armut und Gesundheit] will take place from March 16th - 17th, 2017 at Technische Universität (TU) Berlin.
During these two days, 120 different sessions will be offered looking into a more solidaric health system. MPW will organize the workshop "Health as a Bridge to Peace" [Gesundheit als Brücke zum Frieden]. The workshop will introduce into the role of health professionals in violence prevention and peace-building.
In an uncertain time, characterized by war and violence, fear and nationalism, there is a strong call on doctors and other health workers to engage in fair structures, peaceful cultures, and in non-violent and constructive conflict handling. Best practice will be presented on the example of MPW work in the violent conflict in Southern Thailand.
More information:
3. Medact Forum and IPPNW World Congress “Health through Peace 2017”
Medact and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), together with other partners, are organising the international congress "Health through Peace 2017: Confronting War, Militarisation and Global Insecurity as an International Health Community". The congress takes place from Monday 4th to Wednesday 6th of September 2017 at the University of York, UK.
The congress will gather the health and peace communities for discussing the need for more effective peace building and greater levels of demilitarisation and social justice as preconditions for real human security. The congress will create a vibrant opportunity to learn about the root causes of violent conflicts and to find ways to reverse the recent upswing in violence, intolerance and tension around the world. With a range of partners, "Health trough Peace 2017" is also an opportunity to meet key academics, organisations and leaders in the peace, social justice and global health field.
As part of the congress, MPW will offer a workshop on educating health workers for peace. Results from the first round of our MPW MOOC will be presented.
In the run-up to the congress, the IPPNW student movement organises a bike tour from Faslane in Scotland – where the UK's Trident Nuclear submarines are based – to the congress in York. The tour starts on August 26th and ends on September 2nd.
More information and programme: